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Loading system applications

DCM EMBA has already been supplying liquid measuring appliances and equipment for loading systems for more than 60 years.
The years of experience and expertise of its employees make DCM EMBA an undisputed and unique specialist in this field.


Loading systems for terminals and depots are our core business. Our applications are always supplied in close consultation with the customer so we optimally satisfy the customer’s requirements as regards available space for measuring lines, top or bottom loading, flow computers, terminal automation, earthing, required inspections, etc.

Laadsysteem voor depot/terminal



  • Smith meters are the liquid meters most commonly used on tankers worldwide.
  • They are the best choice for high-quality and accurate registration of fuels supplied.
  • Sening liquid meter installations and “fittings" are absolute top quality. Under “fittings” we supply equipment such as leakproof couplings, pumps, bottom valves, controls and MultiFlow electronic counters.
  • The NoMix system is available to prevent product mixing.
  • Onboard computers facilitate the work and ensure fast administrative processing and statistical overviews.
  • The innovative MultiLevel level measuring system is available for the cost-efficient distribution of petroleum products.
Multiflow & Nomix


  • Liquid bulk transport of fuel flows on the market
  • Efficient loading and discharging of fuel flows for train transport using loading skids

Skid voor treinbelading

  • Custody transfer loading system with automated data management system
  • Fuelling stations for the user-friendly filling of trains while complying with the applicable environment requirements (impermeable paved surfaces, double-walled piping, hydrocarbon separator, leak-proof fuelling, etc.). Including verifiable liquid measurement, compulsory on settlement with third parties. A link to a back office system is possible for the centralised management of tank data and remote diagnostics.

Skid voor tankplaat



  • With on-board blending (mixing) suppliers can always load the correct customer-specific fuels without having to use onshore installations that result in lost time and profit.
  • Nowadays many ships bunker three to four different types of fuel at the same time.




Schip laadsysteem


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Persons responsible

Peter Van Noten
Peter Van Noten

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